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- Circular economy
Holla-Fresh Herbs and Produce: Circular Economy in Action in SA (2019)
The driver The need to replace an old, inefficient, fossil-fuelled boiler used to heat glasshouses....
- Waste and recycling
Which Bin Market Research (2019)
This report details the findings of research undertaken for Green Industries SA (GISA) by the...
- Food and beverage
Kay Brothers Winery - Case Study (2019)
Lean production breeds a new culture Lean production, by whatever name, can bring some sweet...
- Circular economy
Domiciliary Equipment Service: Circular Economy in SA in Action (2019)
The challenge for Domiciliary Equipment Service: to ensure the South Australian community has accessible, affordable,...
- Circular economy
Domiciliary Equipment Service: Circular Economy Pilot - Analysis Report (2019)
This study applies a set of circular economy indicators to a pilot case study organisation....
- Corporate
GISA Strategic Plan 2018 - 2023
Achieve the environmentally-sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycle, in accordance...
- Corporate
Annual Report 2018-19
In 2018-19, we released our new strategic plan for 2018-23 with the vision statement that...
- Corporate
Business Plan 2018-19
This business plan for 2018-19 sets out the programs and activities which support Green Industries...
- Waste and recycling
SA Kerbside Waste Performance Report 2018-19
This report presents data on kerbside waste and recycling collection services in South Australia provided...
- Waste and recycling
Recycling Activity in South Australia 2018-19
South Australia's recycling performance in a quick snapshot. For more detail download this document.83.8 per...