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- Archive (pre-2016)
Review of solid waste levy (2007)
Executive Summary: Background- Zero Waste SA commenced on July 1, 2003 with the primary objective...
- Waste and recycling
Recycling Activity in South Australia 2006-07
Overview: In 2006–07 2.43 million tonnes of materials, ranging from asphalt to textiles was diverted...
- Single-use plastics
Plastic bag phase out market research project (2006)
On 1 July, 2005 the Environment Protection and Heritage Council, a Council of all of...
- Archive (pre-2016)
South Australia's Waste Strategy 2005-10
Executive Summary: The way South Australians deal with waste generated through consumption, manufacturing and processing...
- Archive (pre-2016)
South Australia's Waste Strategy background paper 2005-10
Preface: In 1992, the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) endorsed the...
- Waste and recycling
Recycling activity in South Australia 2005-06
In 2005–06 2.40 million tonnes of materials, ranging from asphalt to textiles, was diverted from...
- Waste and recycling
Review of recycling activity in SA stage 2 - product recovery & analysis (2004)
Zero Waste SA is committed to improve the sustainability of recycling practices and systems in...