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  • Archive (pre-2016)

Review of solid waste levy (2007)

Executive Summary: Background- Zero Waste SA commenced on July 1, 2003 with the primary objective...

  • Waste and recycling

Recycling Activity in South Australia 2006-07

Overview: In 2006–07 2.43 million tonnes of materials, ranging from asphalt to textiles was diverted...

  • Single-use plastics

Plastic bag phase out market research project (2006)

On 1 July, 2005 the Environment Protection and Heritage Council, a Council of all of...

  • Archive (pre-2016)

South Australia's Waste Strategy 2005-10

Executive Summary: The way South Australians deal with waste generated through consumption, manufacturing and processing...

  • Archive (pre-2016)

South Australia's Waste Strategy background paper 2005-10

Preface: In 1992, the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) endorsed the...

  • Waste and recycling

Recycling activity in South Australia 2005-06

In 2005–06 2.40 million tonnes of materials, ranging from asphalt to textiles, was diverted from...

  • Waste and recycling

Review of recycling activity in SA stage 2 - product recovery & analysis (2004)

Zero Waste SA is committed to improve the sustainability of recycling practices and systems in...


Acknowled­gement of Country

Green Industries SA acknowledges and respects the Traditional Custodians whose ancestral lands we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. 

We acknowledge and respect their deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people have to Country.

We extend our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their nations in South Australia and across Australia.