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- Toolkits
Environmental Management Plan Guidelines - wineries (2018)
Guideline developed by Green Industries SA in consultation with industry experts. It includes the minimum...
- Toolkits
Waste and Recycling in Aged Care-Assessment Workbook (2018)
This Assessment Workbook is a supporting tool of the Waste and Recycling for Aged Care...
- Toolkits
Waste and Recycling in Aged Care Facilities - Better Practice Guide (2018)
This Better Practice Guide (the Guide) provides facility managers and operators with information and tools...
- Waste and recycling
The SAWRRIP Companion Report - web version (2018)
Assumptions for Waste Flow Projection Modelling: South Australia’s Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan Companion...
- Waste and recycling
South Australia's Waste and Resource Recovery Infrastructure Plan (2018)
Green Industries SA’s vision is for South Australia to be internationally recognised as a leader...
- Circular economy
South Australia’s Circular Economy Capabilities (English and Chinese) (2018)
South Australia’s industry for recovering and recycling construction and demolition material is particularly well developed...
- Corporate
Annual Report 2017-18
South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2015-2020 advocates for high levels of recycling and reuse through targets...
- Corporate
Business Plan 2017-18 (varied February 2018)
Key objective 1: Promoting innovation and business activity in the waste management, resource recovery and...
- Waste and recycling
South Australia's Kerbside Waste Report 2017-18
This report presents data on kerbside waste and recycling collection services in South Australia provided...
- Waste and recycling
Recycling Activity in South Australia 2017-18
Executive Summary: Each year since 2003-04, Green Industries SA has measured recycling activity and waste...