
Complaints raised with Green Industries SA (GISA) will be handled in-line with the agency's complaint policy.

If you wish to raise a complaint, please contact us:

Anyone can make a complaint however if you do not want to make the complaint yourself, you can ask a person not directly associated with the complaint to do so on your behalf. For example an advocate, family member, legal or community representative, Member of Parliament or another organisation can submit a complaint for you. If someone makes a complaint on your behalf, we may still need to contact you to confirm details of the complaint. 

If you require assistance to make a complaint, the following services are available:

To assist GISA in responding to your complaint, we ask that you collect and document all relevant information, names and dates. Please also advise of any outcome, action or remedy you are seeking. 

GISA will accept anonymous complaints and will carry out an investigation of the issues raised where there is enough information provided.

What happens to your complaint? 

GISA will address each complaint with integrity and in an equitable, objective and unbiased manner. 

GISA will:

  • listen to your complaint/feedback without prejudice or judgement
  • manage the complaint in accordance with our complaints policy
  • acknowledge receipt of complaints or feedback within 5 working days
  • clearly document and securely store information, decisions and actions taken in response to complaints and feedback
  • make sure that procedural fairness is followed at all times
  • provide you with advice in writing of the: 
    • outcome of the complaint and any action undertaken 
    • reason/s for the decision 
    • remedy or resolution/s that are proposed or put in place 
    • options for review that may be available, such as an internal review, external review or appeal.

If you are not happy with the response or outcome of your complaint you can request an internal review or contact: 

South Australian Ombudsman 
Postal address: PO Box 3651 Rundle Mall SA 5000 
Phone: +61 8 8226 8699
Toll Free: 1800 182 150 (outside metro SA only) 

Conduct and Administration Matters 

Independent Commission Against Corruption

Matters concerning the conduct and practice of public officers and public authorities in South Australian public administration, specifically corruption, misconduct and maladministration, can be reported via the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

The Ombudsman

The Ombudsman is available to assist people who have complaints against the administrative actions of South Australian Government departments or agencies.

The Ombudsman can be contacted via:

If you have not attempted to resolve the issue with GISA, then the Ombudsman may request that you do so before it formally records and/or investigates your complaint.

Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

To report an environmental or pollution incident contact the EPA on their 24/7 hotline, +61 8 8204 2004, or via the website.

SafeWork SA

For workplace health and safety issues contact SafeWork SA on 1300 365 255 (non-life threatening injuries/issues) or via the website.

Acknowled­gement of Country

Green Industries SA acknowledges and respects the Traditional Custodians whose ancestral lands we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. 

We acknowledge and respect their deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people have to Country.

We extend our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their nations in South Australia and across Australia.