Projects funded

Since 2017 Green Industries SA has provided more than $76.8 million in funding to build and improve waste, recycling and resource recovery equipment and infrastructure.

2024–25: $200k

Lead-Educate-Assist-Promote (LEAP) Grants



Funds allocated

Australian Funeral Directors Association, SA/NT
Sustainable Funerals Program, SA
Adelaide Central Market Authority
Adelaide Central Market Trader Sustainability Program

2023–24: $1.7m

Regional Transport Subsidies Program



Funds allocated

Adelaide Plains Council

Support the transport of kerbside recyclables from SA regional areas to Metropolitan Adelaide for processing

Barunga West Council$6,726

Berri Barmera Council


City of Mount Gambier$100,373
City of Port Lincoln$83,124
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council$13,156
Coorong District Council$6,170
Copper Coast Council$32,604
District Council of Elliston$8,034
District Council of Grant$34,210
District Council of Loxton Waikerie$27,727
District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula$23,949
District Council of Mount Remarkable$5,656
District Council of Orroroo Carrieton$2,004
District Council of Peterborough$4,082
District Council of Robe$12,058
Light Regional Council$8,830
Mid Murray Council$7,443
Mount Barker District Council$61,612
Naracoorte Lucindale Council$24,603
Port Augusta Council$37,701
Port Pirie Regional Council$39,172
Regional Council of Goyder$5,535
Rural City of Murray Bridge$26,360
Southern Mallee District Council$3,169
Tatiara District Council$11,871
The Barossa Council$17,638
The Flinders Ranges Council$5,750
Wakefield Regional Council$7,529
Wattle Range Council$55,106
Whyalla City Council$83037
Yorke Peninsula Council$28,878
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority$54,529

Charitable Recyclers



Funds allocated

ADRA Op Shop Victor Harbor

Partially offset the cost of residual waste disposal aligned with the solid waste levy.


AWR Charity for People$31,406
Foodbank South Australia Inc.$9,762
RSPCA (SA) Inc.$11,775
Save the Children$10,684
St Vincent de Paul Society SA Inc$101,138
Salvos Stores$129,176
Lifeline Regional SA & Far West NSW$1,360
Red Nose Australia Ltd$1,423
Uniting Communities$3,217
The Quaker Shop$184
ADRA Whyalla$70
United Country SA3,313

Women in Circular Economy Leadership Scholarship



Funds allocated

Dr Kate Sansome

Circular Textiles: consumer awareness and behaviour change


Dr Meena YadavCircular solutions for membranes used in the water industry.$5,000

Circular Economy Student Awards 



Funds allocated

Holly CookeHonours/University of Adelaide: Anthropogenic mineral systems: material flow, geochemistry and mineralogy of the Prominent Hill tailings deposit$500
Trang Thi Thu NguyenPhD/University of Adelaide: Understanding the attitudinal and behavioural determinants of household food waste in Australia$500

Circular Economy Market Development Grants (Round 7)



Funds allocated

Bedford Group Pty Ltd

Melamine Coated Particleboard: Circular Manufacturing Investigation


Fleurieu Milk Company Pty LtdMilk on Tap – Technology for enhancing circular economy growth$100,000
John Holland Guidera O’Connor Joint VenturePVC Loop$50,000
Next Gen Waste CoCircularity for Agriculture and Aquaculture Plastics Waste on Eyre Peninsula$60,000
Transmutation Pty Ltd Environmental Product Declaration$19,841
Valley Precise Global Pty Ltd Polymer Economic Recovery Grocery Basket$100,000

LEAP Grants



Funds allocated

Food South AustraliaGuiding the South Australian Food and Beverage Industry in Sustainability$100,000
Motor Trade Association SA/NTAutomotive Industry Energy and Electric Vehicle Capability Assessment$58,740

2022–23: $3.5m

LEAP Grants



Funds allocated

Australian Hotels Association SA BranchSustainability Program for Australian Hotels Association – SA$50,000
Barossa AustraliaBarossa Zero Carbon Glass Wine Bottle & ‘Green Gas’ Initiative$99,900

Business Victor Harbor

Fleurieu Region Circular Business Program


Festival City AdelaideFestival City Adelaide: Leading Environmental Sustainability and Responsible Practice 2.0 / Supporting Development of Sustainability Action Plans$100,000

Prawn Association

Prawn Association Carbon Footprinting & Net Zero Pathway


South Australian Spirit Producers AssociationBoosting Sustainability for South Australian Distillers$100,000

Assess-Implement-Monitor (AIM) Grants



Funds allocated

Australian Wine Research Institute

AWRI Net Zero Emissions Pathway


Electrolux Home Products

Electrolux Level 3 Energy Audit


Flat Bread BakeryWaste reduction and Heat Recovery Opportunities Assessment$14,920
GemtreeNet zero pathway$15,000
Hewitson WinesHewitson Wines Roadmap to Zero Emissions$15,000
Macro MeatsMacro Group Australia Energy Assessment$10,000
Matthews HospitalityNet Zero Pathway For MHG$15,000
Mollydooker WinesMollydooker Net Zero Pathway Development$15,000
RAAReducing Waste at RAA$15,000
Saint HilarionSt Hilarion Resource Efficiency Assessment$15,000
The Hygiene Co.The Hygiene Co. Net Zero Emissions Planning$15,000
Uniting Country SA (UCSA)Net Zero Pathway for Uniting Country SA (UCSA)$15,000

Regional Transport Subsidies Program



Funds allocated

Adelaide Plains Council

Support the transport of kerbside recyclables from SA regional areas to Metropolitan Adelaide for processing

Barunga West Council$5,505

Berri Barmera Council


City of Mount Gambier$116,303
City of Port Lincoln$69,801
Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council$14,018
Coorong District Council$5,621
Copper Coast Council$36,559
District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula$18,921
District Council of Cleve$7,079
District Council of Mount Remarkable$6,552
District Council of Orroroo Carrieton$2,248
District Council of Peterborough$4,489
District Council of Robe$10,200
Mid Murray Council$7,436
Mount Barker District Council$61,600
Naracoorte Lucindale Council$27,295
Port Pirie Regional Council$38,999
Regional Council of Goyder$5,770
Renmark Paringa Council$23,048
Rural City of Murray Bridge$26,112
Southern Mallee District Council$3,407
Tatiara District Council$12,829
The Barossa Council$17,422
The Flinders Ranges Council$5,502
Wakefield Regional Council$7,824
Whyalla City Council$84,103
Yorke Peninsula Council$28,599
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority$58,374

Charitable Recyclers



Funds allocated

ADRA Op Shop Victor Harbor

Partially offset the cost of residual waste disposal aligned with the solid waste levy.


Australian Red Cross Society


AWR Charity for People$3,811
Foodbank SA$5,168
RSPCA (SA) Inc.$7,387
Save the Children$7,339
St Vincent de Paul Society$68,119
Salvos Stores$69,534
Lifeline Broken Hill Country to Coast$475
Red Nose Australia Ltd$490
United Country SA$1,676

Women in Circular Economy Leadership Scholarship



Funds allocated

Karen Jones HauserThe Good Catch (recycled-content microplastic filter for washing machines)$5,000
Claire ChanCascara: Product Design from Shell Waste – local market study$2,000

Circular Economy Student Award



Funds allocated

Daniel OtengPhD/University of Adelaide: Towards a sustainable PV waste policy; exploring the management practices of end-of-life solar photovoltaic modules in Australia $500
AHM Mohsinul RezaPhD/Flinders University: A novel approach to determine lipid inducing conditions in microalgae with aggregation-induced emission-based fluorophores$500
Yue LiuPhD/University of South Australia: Utlissation of drinking water treatment sludge to develop eco-friendly concrete products$500

Kerbside Performance Plus Food Organics Incentives Program



Funds allocated

Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority (NAWMA)

Kerbside performance grant towards the implementation of Food and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin deliveries; and, lined and ventilated food waste system for households.


City of Adelaide$3,794
City of Burnside$2,483
City of Port Adelaide Enfield$30,550
City of Port Lincoln$14,205
Clare and Gilbert Valley Council$43,633
Copper Coast Council$29,724

Port Pirie Regional Council



Council Modernisation



Funds allocated

Central Adelaide Waste and Recycling Authority (CAWRA)

Soft plastics collection trial


CAWRAInteractive 3D touch screens (x3)$59,910
City of AdelaideResidential organics trial$40,995
City of CampbelltownWeekly kerbside organics pilot - Hectorville$50,520
City of Holdfast BayInstallation of 4x public bin banks (FOGO and recycling)$26,155
City of Port LincolnResidential organics trial$40,713
City of SalisburyReview of business waste management practices$20,650
District Council of Streaky BayDevelopment of Waste Strategy$30,507
Eyre Peninsula Local Government AssociationImplementation of Waste Strategy$20,000

Rural City of Murray Bridge

Organics pilot – Aged care facility



Circular Economy Market Development Grants (Round 6)



Funds allocated


In-situ product validation testing of recycled plastic components for locally manufactured wastewater treatment systems


JeffriesComposted Products in Certified Compostable Bags$22,000
Kimberly Clark AustraliaThe Nappy Loop– Scale up of South Australian disposable nappy recycling trial$42,500
Knox ConstructionsWaste Management System for residential construction – Phase 1 (data collection and analysis)$63,500
Net Zero LabSouth Australian Repair and Maintenance Services Sector Study$50,000
NyrstarNyrstar Australia's Battery Recycling Expansion Study$32,500
ResourceCoClimate Emergency – Break Glass for carbon benefits$32,500
ReusablyReusably x Adelaide$53,797

Recycling Infrastructure Grants



Funds allocated


Magnet attachment for steel diversion


CAWRAGlass fines – quality improvement$147,008
CMB Recycling P/L Equip upgrade: Loader for compost$160,000
DC Orroroo CarrietonTransfer Station upgrade$142,004
Habitat for Humanity (SA)Restore sorting and repair shed$26,354
OzHarvestFood collection truck, cool room & freezer$109,410
SABRN P/LAquaculture recycling$35,000
Scout RecyclingNew commercial scrap metal and CDL site$41,933
Tatiara Trench DiggersCompost screen and air vac$200,000
YCAScreen for plastic pelletising line$24,260

2021–22: $7.5m

Recycling Infrastructure Grants



Funds allocated


Eddy Current separator installation


DC Mt Remarkable

Willowie Transfer station 


Eco Caddy

Food scraps scale up and optimisation


Foodbank SA

Food waste recovery vehicle


Little Droppings

Diverting disposal nappies from landfill



Increasing recycled content


Mid Murray Council

Cardboard / fibre trailer


Peats Group

Anaerobic Digestion


Second Bite

Expansion to feed more


Sustaining Endeavours

Polywinder split drum


Transmutation P/L

Powder Coating / plastic products



Circular Economy Market Development Grants (Round 5)



Funds allocated

Amorim Australasia  

ReCork @ R.M. Williams


Grain Producers SA

Grain Silo Bag Recycling Feasibility Study



Boosting Recycled Material Use in Infrastructure Assets




Circular Economy Market Development Grants (Round 4)



Funds allocated

Arris Pty Ltd

Product Quality Testing of Recycled Plastic Components for Locally Manufactured Wastewater Treatment Systems


Bygen Pty Ltd

Compost Granulation Incorporating Activated Carbon


City of Charles Sturt

In-Field Trial of 100% Recycled Content Mobile Garbage Bin Bodies


Peats Group

NIR Quality Control


University of South Asutralia

Silicon from Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Panels




LEAP Grants



Funds allocated

Business SA

Accelerating Net Zero Emissions for Business (ANZEB) - SA Pilot Program


City of Marion

Edwardstown Employment  Precinct – Circular Economy Project


Festivals AdelaideFestival City Adelaide: Leading Environmental Sustainability and Responsible Practice$98,950


AIM Grants



Funds allocated

Adelaide's Finest Supermarkets

Pasadena Foodland Resource Efficiency Assessment


Discovery Parks

Waste Opportunities Assessment


Duxton Apples

Net Zero Emissions Pathway Development


Duxton PubsNet Zero Emissions Pathway Development$15,000
Mexican ExpressEnergy and Waste Review with implementation of energy efficiency improvements$13,333
Obela Fresh Dips & SpreadsEnergy Efficiency & Zero Carbon Advisory$10,000
Obela Fresh Dips & SpreadsWaste assessment with funds for source separation (recycling) equipment$11,279
Pikes VintnersPikes Sustainable Winery Precinct$15,000
RM WilliamsWaste Opportunities Assessment$14,493
Robern MenzWaste Management and Circular Economy Review$15,000
Royal Flying Doctor Service - Australia Central OperationsEnergy Management Project$10,000
SafcolElizabeth South Facility Sustainability Improvements$15,000
Sea Dragon Kangaroo IslandSustainability Assessment & Strategic Planning$15,000
Sundrop FarmsBioenergy prefeasibility assessment$10,999
Wirra WirraNet Zero Emissions Assessment and Pathway$10,000
YalumbaNet Zero Emissions Planning$10,000


Charitable Recyclers



Funds allocated

ADRA Op Shop Mt Barker

Partially offset the cost of residual waste disposal aligned with the solid waste levy


ADRA Op Shop Victor Harbor$1,378
Australian Red Cross Society$191
AWR Charity for People$6,086
CareWorks SA$711
Foodbank of South Australia Inc$5,899
Lifeline Broken Hill Country to Coast$164
Lutheran Care$73
Red Nose Australia Ltd$1,189
RSPCA (SA) Inc.$6,205
Salvos Stores$57,823

Save the Children


St Vincent de Paul Society SA Inc$66,332


Food Waste for Healthy Soils Fund (joint with Australian Government)



Funds allocated

District Council of Peterborough 

Demonstration composting facility


Jeffries Group

Upgrade contamination identification and removal capacity


Peats Group Pty Ltd Commercial scale organics receival and compost manufacturing facility (Riverland)$900,000
SA Composters Pty Ltd Upgrade shredding infrastructure at the SA Composters' Lonsdale facility$600,000
Van Schaiks Organic Soils & Bark Suppliers Increase composting, organic receival and liquid waste capacity, and improve contamination management$994,070

 Regional Transport Subsidies Program



Funds allocated

Barunga West Council

Support the transport of kerbside recyclables from SA regional areas to Metropolitan Adelaide for processing


Berri Barmera Council


City of Mount Gambier$101,925
City of Port Lincoln
Coorong District Council$3,703
Copper Coast Council$33,772
District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula$16,598
District Council of Orroroo Carrieton$3,255
District Council of Peterborough$4,559
District Council of Robe$12,935
Light Regional Council$9,403
Mid Murray Council$7,724
Mount Barker District Council$61,580
Naracoorte Lucindale Council$27,471
Port Augusta City Council$42,364
Port Pirie Regional Council$38,979
Regional Council of Goyder$6,198
Rural City of Murray Bridge$26,604
Southern Mallee District Council$3,821
Tatiara District Council$12,538
The Barossa Council$17,801
The Flinders Ranges Council$6,055
Wakefield Regional Council$7,679
Wattle Range Council$56,632
Whyalla City Council$81,450
Yorke Peninsula Council$31,551
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority$73,475


Recycling Modernisation Fund (joint with Australian Government)



Funds allocated

Ngopamuldi Aboriginal CorporationTumbetun – plastic processing (soft plastics stream)$1,000,000
Shadowbox Pty Ltd Agricultural plastics processing, Port Neill (regional and remote stream)$40,600


Circular Economy Student Awards



Funds allocated

Liancheng Li

Masters/PhD, University of Adelaide: Converting waste plastics into construction applications: A business perspective


Maximilian Mann

Chief Executive Award: New technologies for e-waste recycling


Roxane AdamsHonours, University of South Australia: Is digitally-modelled rematerial practice a feasible response to Australian construction industry waste?$500
Yunzhong WangHonours, Flinders University: A novel low-frequency ocean wave driven generator with no pollution, lower cost and environment friendly.$500


Women in Circular Economy Leadership Scholarship



Funds allocated

Penelope Morrison

A Solution for Problematic Glass Fines and Textile Waste through Local Remanufacturing




Council Modernisation Grants



Funds allocated

Adelaide Hills RMWA

Loader grapple to improve efficiency at the Brinkley site and support recycling of materials including mattresses


BurnsideBin tagging to provide feedback to 1000 residents on non-compliant kerbside bin materials to reduce contamination$20,000
CampbelltownOrganics bags in local retail outlets to support council’s area-wide food waste system$50,000
Charles SturtWeekly organics and fortnightly residual waste collections trial across 1000 households$70,305
City of Holdfast BayImplementing area-wide opt-out weekly organics service following earlier opt-in and opt-out trials$100,000
Eyre Peninsula LGARegional Waste Strategy to update from the last in this area from 2004$13,000
NAWMAWeekly organics collections and bin tagging trial for 450 households in three suburbs$45,000
West TorrensRecycle Smart Collection trial – at call collection of problematic waste materials (e-waste, batteries, clothing, footwear, aluminium coffee pods, expired medicines, soft plastics) from up to 50 households per day$22,500


Kerbside Performance Plus Food Organics Incentives Program



Funds allocated

City of MitchamKerbside performance grant towards the implementation of Food and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin deliveries; and, lined and ventilated food waste system for households.$199,000
District Council of Barunga West$25,000


2020–21: $40.9m

Recycling Modernisation Fund (joint with Australian Government)



Funds allocated

Advanced Plastics Recycling

Increase manufacturing capacity LDPE & HDPE


Central Adelaide W&R Auth

Optical sorting to improve MRF


Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority (NAWMA)

Fibre polishing plant (fibre stream)


Orora Group

Glass Beneficiation plant


Recycling Plastics Australia

Mixed plastics sorting, grinding, washing and pelletising plant (Advanced processing Line)



Glass Plant


Southern Region Waste Resource Authy

Southern MRF (revised)



2 inch clean cut tyre recycling plant




Recycling Infrastructure Grants



Funds allocated

Adelaide Hills Recycling 

Slow speed shredder


Central Adelaide W&R Auth

Improved fibre capture in MRF


DC Karoonda East Murray

Transfer station: shed, excavator, baler, skips


DC Streaky Bay

Glass crusher and mobile storage cages


Ecoplas Australia

Recycled plastic: extrusion line upgrade


Hackham Recyclers (Durable Resource P/L)

Plastics balers


Sustaining Endeavours

Poly winders (x3 for irrigation pipe)




Circular Economy Market Development Grants (Round 3)



Funds allocated


Assessment and Implementation Framework for the Use of Recycled Materials in South Australian Road Network



Waste Tyre Circular Economy Study


Detmold Packaging

Circular Solutions for the Grocery Sector


Kimberly Clark

Feasibility Study on Nappy Recycling for South Australia




Regional Transport Subsidy Program



Funds allocated

Barunga West Council

Support the transport of kerbside recyclables from SA regional areas to Metropolitan Adelaide for processing


Berri Barmera Council


City of Mount Gambier


City of Port Lincoln


Coorong District Council


Copper Coast Council


District Council of Elliston


District Council of Orroroo Carrieton


District Council of Robe


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority


Light Regional Council


Mid Murray Council


Mount Barker District Council


Municipal Council of Roxby Downs


Naracoorte Lucindale Council


Port Augusta City Council


Port Pirie Regional Council


Renmark Paringa Council


Rural City of Murray Bridge


The Barossa Council


Wakefield Regional Council


Wattle Range Council


Whyalla City Council


Yorke Peninsula Council




Charitable Recyclers Subsidy Program



Funds allocated

Save the Children Australia

Partially offset the cost of residual waste disposal aligned with the solid waste levy


ADRA Op Shop Mount Barker


ADRA Op Shop Victor Harbor


Australia Wide Recyclers PTY LTD


Autralian Red Cross Society


Churches of Christ in SA & NT Community Care Incorporated


Foodbank of South Australia Inc


Lutheran Community Care


Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruety to Animals (South Australia) Incorporate


St Vincent de Paul Society SA Inc


The Salvation Army (SA) Property Trust


Uniting Country SA Limited




LEAP Grants



Funds allocated


Advanced Horticultural Waste Management Program


Independent Brewers Association 

Sustainability Program for Independent Brewers: benchmarking tool and guide



Metcash & Food For Change Food Rescue Program


South Australian Independent Retailers

SAIR Food Waste & Recycling Strategy Project




Resource Efficiency (REAP) Grants



Funds allocated

Chapel Hill

Resource efficiency and productivity assessment and kick-start funding to increase brine storage capacity


Drake Supermarkets

Beverly Fresh Food Facility Sustainability project


Flat Bread Bakery

Level 2 energy audit with kick-start funding for oven upgrade



Energy and productivity improvement assessment with kick-start funds for compressor optimisation




2016 to 2020–21 Valuing Business Waste Grants



Funds allocated

City of Marion

Valuing Marion's Waste


Grundfos Pumps

Resource recovery and waste reduction investigation



Operational waste management plan and strategy development


Sturt Football Club Inc.

Waste assessment: Double Blues Go Green


Westside Housing Company LtdValuing Waste in Community Housing$14,900

Women in Circular Economy Leadership Award



Funds allocated

Megan BekesiViral education campaigns that utilise fun, gamification and online technology to drive waste behaviour change




Council Modernisation Grants



Funds allocated

City of Adelaide

Organics bins – public place


City of Holdfast BayPhase 2 of the food collection frequency waste trial (expansion)$46,380
City of Mount GambierCommercial food waste trial – collection from food premises$23,335
City of OnkaparingaInstallation of integrated vehicle management system software on 12 collection vehicles$74,450
City of Port Adelaide EnfieldCost analysis of complying with AS4123.7 -2008 (Australian Standard for mobile waste containers)$11,500
City of West TorrensWaste Strategy research and development$31,224
Copper Coast CouncilEvent bins, signage and trailer$11,507
East WasteBehaviour change phone app utilising an existing radiofrequency identification and bin weight system$55,000
East WastePilot food waste collection in multi-unit dwellings (also in conjunction with Charles Sturt and West Torrens)$79,960
Mount Barker District CouncilStrategic review of Windmill Hill transfer station$15,000


Kerbside Performance Plus Food Organics Incentives Program



Funds allocated

City of MarionKerbside performance grant towards the implementation of Food and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin deliveries; and, lined and ventilated food waste system for households.$805,950
Copper Coast Council$201,710
District Council of Mount Barker$10,705
Rural City of Murray Bridge$10,712
Wattle Range Council$15,250


2019–20: $9.8m

Recycling Infrastructure Grants



Funds allocated

AAA Recycling

CDL Depot expansion


Adelaide Hills Council

Polystyrene Recycling


Adelaide Hills Recycling

Screens, air vac separators


ANZ Recycling Platform

Mobile e-waste processing facility


Ceduna Recyclers



Ceduna Recyclers

Containers for e-waste storage and transport


City of Mount Gambier

Piercing baler


Clare Valley Waste

Telehandler, walking floor





Foodbank SA

Mount Gambier Cool room


Foodbank SA

Food Rescue vehicle


Just Skips




Pooraka Transfer Station upgrade



Polystyrene recycling


Peats Group Ltd

Picking station


Recycling Plastics Aust

New markets for mixed plastics


Recycling Plastics Aust

Paper recovery from plastic


Transmutation Pty Ltd

Plastic recycling expansion - Robe


U Pull It

plastic bumper Recycling


VISY Recycling

Paper Quality Improvement




Circular Economy Market Development Grants (Round 2)



Funds allocated


Reconophalt EPD 


McKell Institute

A Second-Life Solution for SA Jobs: Embracing a Lithium-ion Waste Management Industry in South Australia



Feasibility, Justification and Market Analysis for the Establishment of a Centralised Fibre Secondary (re)Processing Plant in South Australia



Buy Recycled Expo




Regional Transport Subsidy Program



Funds allocated

Adelaide Plains Council

Support the transport of kerbside recyclables from SA regional areas to Metropolitan Adelaide for processing


Berri Barmera Council


City of Mount Gambier


City of Port Lincoln


Copper Coast Council


District Council of Grant


District Council of Robe


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority


Light Regional Council


Mid Murray Council


Mount Barker District Council


Naracoorte Lucindale Council


Port Augusta City Council


Port Pirie Regional Council


Renmark Paringa Council


Rural City of Murray Bridge


The Barossa Council


Wattle Range Council


Yorke Peninsula Council




LEAP Grants



Funds allocated

Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA)

Extension program: Better Practice Guide for Waste Management in Aged Care Facilities


Christian Schools Association

Sustainability Program - waste, energy, water assessments (six schools) and case studies


Regional Development Australia Barossa Gawler Light Adelaide Plains 

Barossa Wine Industry Recycling Initiative: investigating improved recycling collections for wineries




REAP Grants



Funds allocated

AAM Investment Group

Level 2 energy audit with kick-start funding


Beston Pure Dairies

Water and wastewater assessment with kick-start funds


Chateau Yaldara 1847 Wines

Type II energy audit and kick-start funding for improved load control


Southern Barn

Resource efficiency assessment with kick-start funding for power factor correction


Southern Free RangeResource efficiency assessment with kick-start funding for power factor correction$17,600


Solid Waste Opportunities Program (SWOP) Grants



Funds allocated

Bedford Group

Waste and Recycling Opportunities Analysis


Beyond Bank

Waste management review and improvement


Regis Aged Care

Waste and Recycling Management Processes and contracts



Reducing Waste to Landfill: assessment, plan, education 




Trade Waste Initiative (2016 to 2019)



Funds allocated

Resource productivity assessments for 27 businesses

Assessments identified and prioritised opportunities to improve trade waste (wastewater) management, along with opportunities to improve other resource (water, energy, waste) and production efficiencies.


Australian Bight Seafood

Trade waste treatment upgrade, connection to sewer


Australian Pure Fruits

Detailed design and installation of improved trade waste screening and separation system


Barossa Fine Foods

Staged trade waste treatment upgrade and improved water efficiency


Beerenberg Farm

Cleaner production and trade waste treatment upgrade


Dinko Tuna

New trade waste treatment plant and connection to sewer


International Tastes

Cleaner production, water efficiency, and trade waste treatment improvements


Lobethal Food Processors Pty Ltd / Thomas Foods

Upgrade of onsite wastewater treatment plant


Macro Meats

Up-stream process change, trade waste treatment upgrade


MBL Proteins

Water efficiency and enhanced trade waste treatment


Mori Seafood

New buffering and screening for wastewater treatment


Pirate Life Brewing

Waste-avoiding CIP system and trade waste treatment system at new brewery


Robern Menz

Design of wastewater treatment upgrade


Safcol Australia

Energy, water, wastewater efficient sterilisation equipment


San Remo

Trade waste treatment improvements for better control of pH, grease and instantaneous flow levels


Spring Gully Foods

Upgrade of wastewater treatment systems and separation, and flooring upgrade


Tony's Tuna

Upgrades to wastewater infrastructure, onsite capture and reuse of defrost water


Vili's CakesWater efficient dishwasher, improved trade waste treatment$136,360

Council Modernisation Grants



Funds allocated


Regional Waste Management Plan

City of MitchamBusiness Case$10,500
City of Port Adelaide EnfieldMarket research – FOGO stage 1$24,376
City of Tea Tree GullyPublic place recycling trial$33,306
City of UnleyWeekly Organics pilot$25,885
City of West TorrensWeekly FOGO$31,500
East WasteFight Food waste CRC (audits , research)$90,000
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority3 Logix waste track$80,000
Holdfast BayWeekly FOGO$97,900
Legatus Group (Central Local Govt Region)Regional Waste strategy$30,000
Murraylands River LGARegional Waste Management Plan update$35,000
Yorke Peninsula CouncilFood waste feasibility and market research$20,000


Kerbside Performance Plus Food Organics Incentives Program



Funds allocated

City of AdelaideKerbside performance grant towards the implementation of Food and Garden Organics (FOGO) bin deliveries; and, lined and ventilated food waste system for households.$21,200
City of Burnside$38,214
City of Campbelltown$390,752
City of Charles Sturt$157,002
City of Holdfast Bay$25,531
City of Port Adelaide Enfield$94,366
City of Tea Tree Gully$78,130
City of Unley$304,836
City of West Torrens$17,670
Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority$13,383


2018–19: $10m

Infrastructure grants (Round 1)



Funds allocated

Eco Waste Solutions

Materials Recovery Facility upgrade and trommel


Environ Tec SE Pty Ltd

Compactor and skips for transport efficiency


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority

Goolwa Waste and Recycling Depot – baler


Golden Grove Recycling

Cardboard baler


Green Triangle Recyclers

Materials Recovery Facility upgrade, Mt Gambier


Mid Murray Council

Plastic Recycling bins and signage for transfer stations


Netafim Australia Pty Ltd

Polywinders for irrigation pipe


Newton Bottle Yard

Cardboard baler


Northern Areas Waste Management Authority

Recycled paper into Australian market


Recycled Plastics Australia

Twin screw extruder pelletiser rigid plastics


U Pull It

End-of-life vehicle recycling centre


Veolia Environmental Services

Transfer station and salvage and save shed, Whyalla


VISY Recycling

Equipment to improve paper quality


VISY Recycling

Equipment to improve glass quality


Wastek Pty Ltd

Plastic granulator for e-waste


Ween Rd Bottle & Can Depot, Pooraka



YCA Recycling

Plastic granulating




Infrastructure grants (Round 2)



Funds allocated

Adelaide Hills Region Waste Mgt Authority




Future proofing Materials Recovery Facility



Glass fines recovery


NAWMA (Edinburgh Park)

Autonomous robotics


Peats Soil & Garden Supplies (Willunga/ Brinkley)

Laser sorting for compost


Pooraka Ween Road Bottle & Can

Canopy, stillages and rotating forklift head


PVC Separation Systems

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) separation and recycling plant


Salvation Army

Collection vehicle


Southern Cott Recycling

Plastic granulating


Supreme Skips

Skip bin sorting facility




Infrastructure grants (Round 3)



Funds allocated

CMA Ecocycle

Installation of lamp processing equipment for light globe recycling


Copper Coast Council

Material handler (excavator with finger grabs) to enhance resource recovery


Electronic Recyclers Australia

e‑waste cages and conveyors for increased sorting capacity


Mastec Pty Ltd

HDPE (plastic) reprocessing facility to shred and wash and pelletise (recycle) old bins


Polybags Pty Ltd

Extruder and production facility for compostable films (Bioplastics)


Sims Metal Management

Advanced metal sorters (robots to sort residual metals)


Suez ResourceCo Alternative Fuels Pty Ltd

Equipment to screen and separate under-sized material


Van Schaiks Organics Soils Pty Ltd

Picking station and compost pad to increase processing capability at existing facility




Circular Economy Market Development Grants (Round 1)



Funds allocated

City of Charles Sturt

Recycled Rubber Road Sub-grade for Adelaide's Expansive Soils


Local Government Association SA 

Pilot Project to Trial the Adoption of Sustainable Procurement Targets by SA Councils


Sustaining Endeavour

Trialing a Circular Economy Solution for Recycling End-of-Life Driptube in South Australia




Regional Transport Subsidy Program



Funds allocated

Adelaide Plains Council

Support the transport of kerbside recyclables from SA regional areas to Metropolitan Adelaide for processing


Berri Bamera Council


City of Mount Gambier


City of Port Lincoln


Copper Coast Council


District Council of Cleve


District Council of Loxton Waikerie


District Council of Robe


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority


Light Regional Council


Mid Murray Council


Mount Barker District Council


Municipal Council of Roxby Downs


Naracoorte Lucindale Council


Port Augusta City Council


Port Pirie Regional Council


Regional Council of Goyder


Renmark Paringa Council


Rural City of Murray Bridge


Southern Mallee District Council


Tatiara District Council


The Barossa Council


The Flinders Ranges Council


Yorke Peninsula Council




LEAP Grants



Funds allocated

Aged and Community Services Australia (ACSA)

Better Practice Guide for Waste Management in Aged Care Facilities - guide development


Business SA

Untapped Power Masterclass Program - energy management support


Caravan Parks Association of SA Inc.

Sustainability for Caravan Parks in SA - waste, energy, water assessments (16 parks)


SA Wine Industry Association (SAWIA)Energy Efficiency Demand Management for the Wine Industry - guide and extension$45,360


REAP Grants



Funds allocated


Future Energy Project - Energy Diagnostic, and kick-start funding for a lighting upgrade


Section 28 Cheese

Resource productivity assessment and kick-start funding for a new milk heating system


Temple Bruer

Carbon Neutral 2020: Strategy for Temple Bruer incorporating resource efficiency, and kick-start funds




SWOP Grants



Funds allocated

Adelaide Airport

Cost Analysis of compostable food service ware


Endeavour Drinks Group

Waste and Recycling Performance Assessments - BWS and Dan Murphy's Stores in SA


Frewville Foodland

Waste Management and Resource Recovery Project


Vinpac International and Dorrien Estate

Waste and Recycling Performance Assessment




Women in Circular Economy Leadership Award



Funds allocated

Shani WoodOpportunities to increase textile resource recovery rates in South Australia




2017–18: $3.1m

Infrastructure grants



Funds allocated

Adelaide Hills Recycling Pty Ltd

Ballistic separator



Recycling agricultural plastics


DC Elliston

Resource recovery centre


DC Lower Eyre Peninsula

Mobile baler


DC Streaky Bay

Salvage shed


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority

In-vessel composting for Kangaroo Island


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority

Kangaroo Island baler (Kingscote)


Jeffries Group

Organic granulated fertiliser project


Mid Murray Council

Bowhill transfer station


Peats Group Ltd

Recovery of organics from packaged waste


Peats Group Ltd

Resource recovery facility (Upper Spencer Gulf)


Polybags Pty Ltd

Manufacturing bio plastics in SA


Reclaim PV

Pyrolysis furnace to recycle photovoltaic panels


SA Group Enterprises

E-waste and mattress recycling


SKM Industries Pty Ltd

Material Recovery Facility


SKM Industries Pty Ltd

Plastic recycling facility


Trident Plastics Pty Ltd3

Plastic recycling and palletisation plant


VISY Recycling

Optimised glass recovery and recycling




Recycle Right® grants



Funds allocated

Barossa Regional Procurement Group

Design and development of communications materials 


City of Campbelltown

Bin tagging and auditing


City of Whyalla/Cleanaway

Design and development of communications materials 


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority

Bin tagging and auditing




Regional Transport Subsidy Program



Funds allocated

City of Port Lincoln

Support the transport of kerbside recyclables from SA regional areas to Metropolitan Adelaide for processing


Copper Coast Council


District Council of Cleve


District Council of Elliston


District Council of Mount Remarkable


District Council of Orroroo Carrieton


District Council of Robe


Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority


Mount Gambier


Municipal Council of Roxby Downs


Naracoorte Lucindale Council


Northern Areas Council


Port Pirie Regional Council


Renmark Paringa Council


Tatiara District Council


Wakefield Regional Council


Yorke Peninsula




LEAP Grants



Funds allocated


Aged care sector better practice guide




REAP Grants



Funds allocated

Little Bang Brewing Company

Water efficiency assessment and kick-start funding for wastewater treatment plant


Westfield Marion (Scentre Group)

Water mapping and efficiency assessment, with kick-start funding for smart metering


Kingston Estate (vineyards)

Energy audit and detailed technical feasibility study of energy management solutions


Monroe AustraliaEnergy efficiency assessment$10,000
Orora Fibre PackagingEnergy audit and kick-start funding for compressed air delivery system upgrade$20,000


Solid Waste Management Improvement Grants



Funds allocated

Adelaide Airport

Waste assessment, operational waste management plans



Women in Circular Economy Leadership Award



Funds allocated

Kat HeinrichHow SA can achieve a step-wise change in reducing food waste





LEAP Grants



Funds allocated

Dairy SA

The Whey Forward for Niche Dairy Processors - feasibility study of options for waste whey


Motor Traders Association

Go For Green - information package for members


SA Wine Industry Association (SAWIA)

Lean Production for Wineries Program 2015-16



Women in Circular Economy Leadership Award



Funds allocated

Fiona JenkinsPlotting a path to 80% kerbside diversion for metropolitan Adelaide



Acknowled­gement of Country

Green Industries SA acknowledges and respects the Traditional Custodians whose ancestral lands we live and work upon and we pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. 

We acknowledge and respect their deep spiritual connection and the relationship that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people have to Country.

We extend our respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their nations in South Australia and across Australia.