The Business Sustainability Program assists South Australian businesses and industry sectors to accelerate sustainable change and transition to a more circular economy.
By identifying and prioritising better practice materials and resource efficiency, waste management and resource recovery, and implementing circular economy principles, participants can improve profitability, productivity, and environmental performance.
Projects build accountability and transparency into environmental reporting, giving participants a competitive advantage, and savings can be reinvested for continuous improvement and economic growth.
Experienced and knowledgeable project managers and advisers provide free advice, tools and guidance, and facilitate business-to-business connections and networking, basing our services on the principles of a circular economy.
Contact us for
- Tools and advice on:
- better practice waste management and resource recovery
- improving materials and resource efficiency
- net zero emissions measurement, management and reduction strategies
- Advice on circular economy business models, sustainable procurement and supply chain engagement
- Connection with businesses, experts and other agencies that may be able to provide additional support
- Assistance with project scoping and identifying support options
- Advice on Green Industries SA’s grant eligibility and applications
Government agencies / offices may seek in-kind assistance and support for projects in the abovementioned areas. Projects for government agencies aren’t eligible for grant funding.
Assess-Implement-Monitor (AIM) Grants – for businesses and not-for-profits
Supporting organisations that AIM for a more economically and environmentally sustainable future. Grants are available as a contribution for experts to ASSESS and report on current practice and opportunities for improvement in material circularity and efficiency, better practice waste management and resource efficiency (energy and water), scope 3 emissions and carbon reduction strategies. Find out more.
Lead-Educate-Assist-Promote (LEAP) Grants – for industry associations and business groups
Supporting industry sectors, business groups and supply chains LEAP into a more sustainable and circular economy for South Australia. Funding is available for projects that will drive a more circular economy through the provision of expert advice or research into the application of sustainability and circular economy principles that encourage uptake for the benefit of the economy, the environment and social wellbeing. Find out more.
Sponsorship of events and/or awards that promote the circular economy, sustainability, and environmental excellence (or similar) may also be considered – please contact Program Manager to discuss.
Program Manager Aubrey Thomas (she/her)
Phone: 0423 782 647
Senior Adviser Nicole Gschwind (she/her)
Phone: (08) 8429 8410
Senior Adviser Laura Herrero Chorques (she/her)
Phone: 0476 040 969