![Recycling Activity in South Australia 2013-14](/images/resources/SA-Recycling-Activity-Survey-2013-14-Final.png)
- Waste and recycling
Recycling Activity in South Australia 2013-14
Executive Summary: The resource recovery data presented in this report was collected from a survey sent to over 115 businesses or organizations in South Australia (SA) that are involved in collecting waste material for recycling. This resource recovery data describes the quantity of waste resources collected in SA over the 2013-14 financial year for the purpose of recycling, excluding net losses of these materials arising from resource recovery and/or re-processing activities. It is important to note that the resource recovery data reported by a survey respondent has not been adjusted or manipulated. Estimates of reporting accuracy have been used to ensure that resource recovery data is reported to an appropriate level of certainty. This data provides a comprehensive and reliable account of SA’s resource recovery. Combined with landfill disposal data collected by the South Australian Environment Protection Authority, it enables assessment of SA’s resource recovery performance including diversion rate. This includes comparing SA’s performance with the State’s Waste Strategy targets as well as benchmarking this performance against other jurisdictions in Australia. Further information about the Survey Methodology is included in Appendix 1 of this report. This information includes a description of how the survey data was compiled and analysed to produce the assessment results and findings presented in this report. This report has been prepared by Rawtec Pty Ltd (Rawtec) for Zero Waste SA to present the results and findings from the 2013-14 South Australian Recycling Activity Survey. The information contained within this document is based upon sources, experimentation and methodology which at the time of preparing this document were believed to be reasonably reliable and the accuracy of this information subsequent to this date may not necessarily be valid. This information is not to be relied upon or extrapolated beyond its intended purpose by a third party unless it is confirmed in writing by Zero Waste SA that it is permissible and appropriate to do so. Unless expressly provided in this document, no part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Zero Waste SA.