- Corporate
Annual Report 2020-21
During 2020-21, Green Industries SA (GISA) continued to accelerate action to support South Australia’s circular economy transition, contributing to South Australia’s economic growth initiatives, while delivering environmental and social benefits in our cities and regions. This supported the agency’s objectives of reducing waste to landfill and promoted innovation and business activity in waste management and recycling.
In 2020-21, GISA released its new Strategic Plan for 2021-2025. The plan’s vision ‘Creating a sustainable future through a green economy, focussing on enhancing the value of materials in a circularly economy’ recognises the circular economy as one part of the broader sustainability agenda.
GISA’s five strategic priorities are Circular Products and Services, Circular Consumption, Circular Resource Recovery, Circular Sectors and Circular Capacity.
The Strategic Plan outlines actions under each priority that will drive GISA’s programs and ensure a sustainable future while maintaining a thriving economy.