- Corporate
Annual Report 2016-17
In 2016-17, GISA and the EPA coordinated activities on a range of waste management and resource recovery matters. This included the progression of EPA’s reforms to the SA waste sector; issues associated with National product Stewardship and other national policy matters; infrastructure grant recipients’ compliance with licences under the Environment Protection Act 1993; movement and control of hazardous waste; the Australian Packaging Covenant; SA’s container deposit legislation and the development of schemes interstate; SA’s plastic bags legislation and implementation in other Australian jurisdictions, implementation of the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act 2016, and ‘dobin- a-litterer’ mobile application and website. The Chief Executives of GISA and the EPA met fortnightly in 2016–17 to discuss a range of waste management issues and matters of mutual interest to both organisations, including those listed above. The organisations also maintained frequent business as usual contact on a range of matters relating to waste and recycling. South Australia’s Waste Strategy 2015-2020 was released in November 2015 and advocates for high levels of recycling and reuse through targets and actions to reduce waste to landfill, and requiring innovative policy and regulatory solutions. In 2016-17, GISA’s work towards implementation of the Strategy comprised: - Grants provided to the waste and resource recovery sector for infrastructure development - Incentives to Local Government to encourage the uptake of household food waste recycling systems 2016-17 ANNUAL REPORT for ZERO WASTE SA / GREEN INDUSTRIES SA P a g e 12 - Assistance to businesses in resource efficiencies - Investment in a business development program for the commercialisation of innovative waste management, recycling and resource recovery technologies - Release of the report Creating value: the potential benefits of the circular economy in South Australia Reporting against waste to landfill targets-Preparation of the South Australia Recycling Activity Survey 2015-16 The Recycling Activity Survey shows the following progress against Waste Strategy diversion targets in 2015-16: - Municipal Solid Waste: 58.2% (target of 70% by 2020) - Commercial and Industrial: 82% (target of 80% by 2020) - Construction and Demolition: 88.9% (target of 90% by 2020) A mid-term review of the Waste Strategy will be undertaken in 2017-18.