GISA investing in resource recovery and recycling in SA
- Funding
- Waste and recycling
March 17, 2023

Green Industries SA (GISA) is investing in resource recovery and recycling in South Australia, with 2 grant programs opening for application this month.
The Recycling Infrastructure Grant program and the Recycling Modernisation Fund for soft plastics are open to South Australian organisations and local governments, and are another step towards a circular economy for the state.
In the 2021–22 funding round, GISA committed $942,833 in grant funding for 11 projects, contributing to a total capital investment in SA of $2.58 million, and new job creation estimated at 20 FTEs.
Read on to learn more about the grant programs.
Recycling Infrastructure Grants
Recycling Infrastructure Grants ranging from $25,000 to $200,000 are available to South Australian businesses and local governments.
Eligible projects include:
- installation of equipment or technology that achieves improved recovery of resources and diversion of wastes from landfill
- establishment and/or upgrades of waste transfer facilities to improve resource recovery
- balers and other compacting equipment for the processing of recyclables to improve transport and/or operational efficiency.
Applications close at 5 pm, 11 April.
Recycling Modernisation Fund (RMF) Recycling infrastructure for soft plastics
RMF Recycling infrastructure for soft plastics grants are available for projects that will improve recycling outcomes and address critical gaps in Australia’s recycling infrastructure.
Applications are open to SA businesses, local governments, not-for profits, community groups, regional research institutions, and Traditional Custodians.
Grants offered through this program represent a combined contribution from the South Australian and Australian governments.
To be eligible, applicants are required to provide a minimum cash contribution of 50% of the requested grant amount, being 1/3 of the project cost (1:1:1 funding).
Funded projects must be carried out in SA, and must support an increase in processing capacity and/or use of one or more of the following materials:
- mixed plastics that are not of a single resin or polymer type, and further sorting, cleaning and processing is required before use in re-manufacturing
- single resin or polymer plastics that have not been re-processed (such as cling film or plastic wrap).
Projects that focus on new technology and equipment, such as increasing soft plastics processing capacity, mixed plastics reprocessing, or commercialisation of new plastics separation technology, will be prioritised.
Applications close at 5 pm, 11 April.