Heartfelt thanks for clean-up contractors’ role in bushfire recovery effort
- Disaster waste management
November 11, 2020

A special thank you breakfast held on 28 October 2020 at the Adelaide Convention Centre acknowledged the tireless and compassionate work of contractors who were on the ground co-ordinating clean-up works and contributing to the community’s recovery from the 2019-20 summer bushfires.
Hosted by Green Industries SA, the lead agency for disaster waste management in the recovery effort, the event was an opportunity for the state government to thank contractors for their contribution to the state’s recovery.
The Premier, Hon. Steven Marshall and Minister for Environment and Water, Hon. David Speirs, thanked all for their contribution, acknowledging that many areas of the state government were involved in the relief and recovery efforts.
The State and Federal governments funded the clean-up of bushfire affected waste and debris to assist people to rebuild their homes and businesses as soon as possible.
550 properties were cleaned-up across the fire grounds. The properties included 241 destroyed houses, 495 outbuildings and over 44,600 tonnes of debris and hazardous material.
Clean-up activities occurred between February and June this year – making South Australia the first state to complete the clean-up from 2019-20 bushfires.
This was the first time the Government’s Disaster Waste Management Plan, developed by Green Industries SA, had been put into effect.
The event coincided with the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Associations’ Waste SA conference and South Australia’s first ever Buy Recycled Expo.
Minister for Environment and Water, Hon. David Speirs launching the Buy Recycled Expo, sponsored by Green Industries SA