GISA launches government office waste guide

GISA launches government office waste guide

  • Tools and guides
  • Waste and recycling
  • August 16, 2024

Green Industries SA (GISA) has launched the Government office waste: Strategy and better-practice guide.

The guide provides advice to government agencies on improving waste management and recycling practices in government offices and administration facilities.

GISA staff worked in close partnership with various government agencies to understand the diversity of existing waste management arrangements, and to identify opportunities for improvement and consistency across offices and facilities.

The guide establishes a standard for waste and recycling in government offices and sets out 3 key targets, these being:

  • removal of under-desk waste bins by 1 July 2025
  • minimum-standard services implemented by 1 July 2026
  • 90% diversion by weight from landfill by 1 July 2027.

The measures and targets set out in the guide will support South Australia’s transition to a circular economy by minimising waste and increasing recycling and resource recovery.

South Australia has long been a leader in the areas of waste management and recycling, and the adoption of this guide will show how the Government of South Australia is leading the way for better-practice waste management and supporting the state’s transition to a circular economy.

Learn more and download the guide.