Business Sustainability Program funding

Green Industries SA supports South Australian businesses and industry sectors to accelerate sustainable change and transition to a more circular economy.

The Business Sustainability Program fills an information gap, providing expertise as a basis for informed decision-making and implementation of sustainable change. It offers grants for projects that lead to improved materials and resource efficiency, better practice waste management, leaner and cleaner production, fewer carbon emissions, and implementation of circular economy principles.

Assess-Implement-Monitor (AIM) Grants: for businesses and not-for-profits

Supporting organisations that AIM for a more economically and environmentally sustainable future.

AIM grants provide a subsidy of up to $10,000 for experts to ASSESS and report on current practice and opportunities for improvement in:

  • materials efficiency and waste management (including waste assessment and improvement reviews)
  • resource efficiency and sustainability practices (including energy, water and/or carbon assessment and improvement reviews)
  • emissions management and reduction (including development of net zero strategies) – must cover scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
  • circular economy practices (including identification and quantification of current circular business practices, and opportunities for improvement / addition of more circular practices).

Funds are offered as a co-contribution of 2:1 (GISA:Applicant), or 1:1 for energy-only assessments.

Upon successful completion of a funded assessment, up to $5000 is available on a 1:1 basis to IMPLEMENT recommendations that meet eligibility criteria (details included in funding guideline).

Data gathered and analysed through these assessments build accountability and transparency into environmental reporting, and provide a basis enabling participants to MONITOR progress and report outcomes, and to continually improve. Assessments may also give participants a competitive advantage (by leveraging from environmental reporting), and savings that can be reinvested for continuous improvement and economic growth.

Lead-Educate-Assist-Promote (LEAP) Grants: for industry associations and business groups

Supporting industry sectors, business groups and supply chains LEAP into a more sustainable and circular economy for South Australia.

Funding is available to engage experts that will deliver projects to drive a more circular economy in SA by encouraging uptake of sustainability and circular economy principles for the benefit of the economy, the environment and social wellbeing. Projects should include shared learning resources and/or experiences, and opportunities to build capacity, network and collaborate to overcome challenges that may be difficult to address in isolation.

LEAP Grants valued at up to $100,000 (maximum $50,000 per fiscal year) are available to industry associations, peak industry bodies, registered business groups, or organisations that play a key role in supply chains. Applicants must demonstrate they have a strong relationship and the means to effectively engage and communicate with a network of SA businesses.

Projects must:

  • target a specific industry sector, group of businesses, or supply chain
  • focus on circular economy and sustainability principles such as waste avoidance and reduction; materials or resource efficiency; net zero emissions; circular supply chains; design for reuse, repair, or remanufacture; extended producer responsibility / product stewardship.

Applicants must contribute in-kind for project management, communication, and reporting. Projects that require co-contributions from businesses to participate (such as payment for tailored advisory services or attendance at workshops or events) may be considered favourably.

Contact us

Program Manager Aubrey Thomas (she/her)
Phone: 0423 782 647

Senior Adviser Nicole Gschwind (she/her)
Phone: 0472 813 274

Senior Adviser Laura Herrero Chorques (She/her)
Phone: 0476 040 969 